Wednesday, January 28, 2009

and the spotlight goes to...

Mical Bell. This girl is simply amazing. I wanted to put a picture up, but we seriously have hundreds if not thousands and there were so many that I would want to put up here. Maybe by the time I finish writing this I will decide on one.

Mical saved me; from me. I know that sounds weird, but seriously. We met our senior year when God so kindly placed us on the same club volleyball team. We will both admit that we weren't fans of each other: she was a pastor's kid that thought she was better than everyone else and I was the ghetto-fab child from "moval" with a huge chip on her shoulder that also thought I was better than everyone else. Needless to say, through our differences somehow we became BFFL and our friendship has been one of the most meaningful in my life. Mical and her family showed me what it meant to live fearing God and (nervous chuckle) what it even meant to simply follow Him. I am truly thankful for her and everything that she is in my life. We have laughed, cried, lived together, helped keep each other accountable, traveled the US together and even traveled the world together!! I don't know what I would do without her. I love you and your family more than any words could ever express.

With that said: Adam; you are one lucky man. Hurt her and I hurt you :)


Anonymous said...

awwwww you are adorable. change that picture and i will love you EVEN more :)

you bless me pea

The Hofschroer's said...

what a very sweet post! Friendship is a gift!

AdamCook said...

great post i'm so thankful that i get to see your guys friendship from such a close proximity. i like you two together!

also... warning heeded!