Saturday, April 18, 2009

time-out from life

OKKK life seems so hectic now that we are in finals and I have soooo much going on. I feel as though I have been getting barely any sleep and been working overtime to get all my projects done and done well at that.

Today I decided to take a "time-out" from life. Oh man, I used to hate time-outs when I was younger, but I have never had anything so needed in awhile. I call it a time-out instead a break because it was a lot longer than it should have been and I probably shouldn't have; so when you do things that you shouldn't do you get put in time-out when you are little. ha ha OK maybe that sounds stupid since I am not little, but it was AMAZING. Let me tell you:

I slept in until ELEVEN am today and then went to MUMBLES with Erica and Greta. ahhh :) Above is a picture of what I got: cappuccino and peanut butter yogurt with mini-white chocolate chips, tiny pieces of cookie dough, strawberries and a little fudge drizzled on top. D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.

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