One thing that I said I wanted to do this year was be genuine in the relationships that I am making and I feel as though I have. I have been making an effort to genuinely seek friendships and have that genuine love in spending time with them. Another goal that I would like to add to my list of this year is this, and you are more than welcome in helping pray that I attain this goal this school year:
- That the Lord would grant me patience and not just all of a sudden BAM I have patience, but I guess that He would give me more opportunities to be patient. I got a book from a friend and there was a chapter on patience that was simply amazing. It called patience the "act of slowing." This is such a good way to look at things.
I need to slow down my life and take time to simply "smell the roses" as some would put it. [Thus the reasoning for my current facebook profile picture] So what do I want patience for?? EVERYTHING! life, boys, relationships, family, personal spiritual growth, just patience to get through the day. I am such an impatient person and I need to try and fix that!
blah blah are probably sick of reading this babble, if people even read these lol