I don't understand why some people put such a negative connotation on that word: SEX. Sex was not meant to be a bad thing, it was created to be something beautiful between a man and a woman ONCE they are married. It's a gift from God and yet society makes it out to be something so negative that when I made signs for our "sex and chocolate" event, someone actually ripped off the word SEX from my sign. I spent 6 hours making signs and posters to plaster the school with and then someone steals one word from the sign? WHY? Were you offended by the word or are you simply perverted and have it hanging up in your room?
I don't know if people knew that event was meant to answer questions about being able to protect our heart with all the sexual desires in this world. Even though people ripped down signs, parents called the school complaining and students decided to go to Dr. Ellis; over 130 girls came to the event Friday night and I think that it went
SOOO unbelievably well. There are tons of questions that girls AND boys have about sex from both a biblical and secular standpoint and this event was meant to answer those questions, which I feel that it did.
Just a heads up: THERE WILL BE A SEX AND CHOCOLATES PART TWO FOR MEN AND WOMEN NEXT SEMESTER and I encourage everyone to go. It was seriously so helpful even just to know that everyone else is struggling just as much as you, when it seems we are alone because for some reasons a lot of so-called "Christians" like to act like they are perfect.
If we were perfect then please tell me: what is holding Jesus up on that cross? Our "perfectness?" NO. Our sins. The Bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God..." (Romans 3:23)...It's time to get real about our struggles with each other. We will never be able to overcome sin if we do it alone, we are called for fellowship...I challenge everyone to get an accountability group or partner. Share your struggles, pray to get over them, but realize that you most likely DO HAVE a sin that you are struggling with.
You are not perfect. NO ONE IS EXCEPT JESUS. It's hard to get over something alone, we need each other. For all you visual people: When you go rock-climbing, can you do it alone? No, right? You need someone watching you and holding onto your rope to make sure that you don't fall and even if you slip down a little bit, your partner never lets you hit rock bottom...