Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

bring it on...

finals week. I am more than ready.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This morning I registered for the Spring 2010 semester for the LAST TIME IN MY UNDERGRADUATE LIFE!!!!! ahhhh that is such a crazy thought. As I scrolled down my degree guide to see just one section left that was marked INCOMPLETE...I never thought it would come as fast as it did. This is such a weird feeling. There are only 179 days left until I officially graduate! :) WOOOO HOOO CLASS OF 2010!!!! WE ARE ALMOST THERE!

on a different note: this morning my life was drastically altered at starbucks. I got their new fall drink PEPPERMINT WHITE MOCHA and it was christmas in my mouth! This is my new favorite drink and I regret only ordering a tall...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

God is so faithful...ALWAYS

This past weekend I attended a retreat called NEXT STEP. It was for those interested in "missional" living whether that be stateside or overseas, but making your life all about proclaiming Christ's name. Being intentional. Making Him famous. I went into this weekend really praying that my heart would be softened to the things that the Lord would have me learn and hear from the mentors and much like Christ always does...


I have never heard God speak to me in such loud and clear ways. He was faithful in answering prayers that I didn't expect to be answered in such a quick manner. Literally, He knocked my to my knees praying with extreme gratitude and thanks for the awesome, sovereign God that He is. I feel like I could write a lot of the things that happened this week, so if you would like to know feel free to email me and I would be happy to get together and chat.

I am writing this blog to encourage you to put all your trust in Him. He is faithful and always there for us, even in those moments of life when we turn our back on Him. Always, always, always: trust in the Lord, delight yourself in the Lord, commit your way unto the Lord, and rest in Him (Psalm 37).

quote of the week

"He learned not to bind God by the limits of his own faith. He asked, knowing that God, who heard, was able."

In reference to George Muller's faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ

Monday, August 17, 2009

RA training

I absolutely love the RA staff that I am apart of this year. All of the women are awesome and truly have a heart ready to serve the Lord. Being back for training has been amazing and such a great way to start the year for me. I changed my picture on this blog today because I saw it and was reminded of the importance of laughter.

Laughter can seriously be the best medicine for anything, well besides love, and you just feel better when you do it :) It seems like our staff is always laughing when we are together. haha OKay so this is a lame blog entry, but I thought I would share how much I am really enjoying my staff this year :)